Access Control Topo Map

Our mission is to create a more inclusive and comprehensive access control and smart lock industry by providing a valuable resource for everyone. Whether you're a seasoned professional, a curious customer, or a researcher, our goal is to make the industry more accessible by identifying and categorizing all the different players.

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Global and By Product Category.

A reimagined and growing list of the companies globally broken out by Locks, Physical Access Control Systems (PACS), Readers/Controllers/Credentials, Application, Independent Software Vendor, Hardware/Software Enabler, System Integrator, Middleware, Biometric/Identity Services, and Intercom 1/8/2024).

Access Control Executive Brief Members have access to the Topology Map and source file on the Member website.


Readers/Controllers/Credentials involves the development and provision of technologies used in access control systems. This includes access control readers, controllers, and various types of credentials such as cards, fobs, and mobile credentials.

Locks involves designing, producing, and selling physical locks, safes, and keys for various industries and markets.

Intercom refers to the two-way communication and access management system for a building or property. These systems are widely used in different environments such as commercial and business establishments, apartment buildings, gated communities, and industrial facilities. Intercom systems can be audio, video, wired, or wireless, and they serve to enhance the efficient and secure management of building entry, improve security, and facilitate communication among individuals within the premises.

Biometric/Identity Services refers to the use of biometric technology for identifying and authenticating individuals based on their unique biological and behavioral characteristics. Biometric technology includes fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, iris recognition, voice recognition, and other modalities.

Physical Access Control System (PACS) refers to a company that specializes in electronic systems for restricting and regulating access to physical spaces within a building or organization. These systems utilize key cards, fobs, PIN codes, and smartphones to authenticate and authorize individuals' access to different locations. They are designed to prevent unauthorized entry and ensure the security of the premises.

Middleware is a type of computer software that offers services to software applications beyond what is provided by the operating system. It serves as an intermediary layer between the application software and the underlying operating system, network, or database. Its purpose is to facilitate communication and data management for distributed applications. Think of middleware as "software glue" that connects various components of a complex software system, enabling seamless interaction and data exchange between them.

Hardware/Software Technology Enabler is a company that offers non-recurring engineering services or a set of technologies that serve as a platform or foundation for the development of other technologies, products, or services.

A System Integrator, also known as a SI, is a company that specializes in implementing, planning, coordinating, scheduling, testing, improving, and sometimes maintaining computing operations. Unlike a traditional security integrator, a system integrator focuses on enterprise software, which includes security systems like access control but extends beyond that.

An Independent Software Vendor, also known as ISV, is a Systems Integrator that builds application-specific software to function on a platform.

A Platform refers to the environment in which applications run. It is a combination of hardware and software, including an operating system and the underlying hardware device. Platforms provide the necessary tools, infrastructure, and services to enable the development and execution of applications. Examples of platforms include operating systems like Windows or macOS, and mobile operating systems like iOS or Android. Platforms can support different programming languages, engines, and web services, and are designed to scale up and operate various programs based on business needs.

An Application is a software program designed to perform specific tasks within an operating system. Applications are built to run on platforms and provide users with specific tasks and functions. Examples of applications include web apps, mobile apps, and desktop applications.